Common cell lines

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Human cell lines
National Cancer Institute 60 cancer cell lines
ESTDAB database
DU145 (Prostate cancer)
Lncap (Prostate cancer)
MCF-7 (breast cancer)
MDA-MB-438 (breast cancer)
PC3 (Prostate cancer)
T47D (breast cancer)
THP-1 (acute myeloid leukemia)
U87 (glioblastoma)
SHSY5Y Human neuroblastoma cells, cloned from a myeloma
Saos-2 cells (bone cancer)
Primate cell lines
Vero (African green monkey Chlorocebus kidney epithelial cell line initiated 1962)
Rat tumor cell lines
GH3 (pituitary tumor)
PC12 (pheochromocytoma)
Mouse cell lines
MC3T3 (embryonic calvarial)
Plant cell lines
Tobacco BY-2 cells (kept as cell suspension culture, they are model system of plant cell)
Other species cell lines
zebrafish ZF4 and AB9 cells.
Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) epithelia cell line
Xenopus A6 kidney epithelil cells


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